Java Calendar tCaldate V 2.51

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  • Version 2.51 : Solve a minor prb in mindate and add javascript functio.
  • Version 2.46 : Correct a bug in week number and add holidays file.
  • Version 2.41 : Add page Up page Down key to change month.
  • Version 2.31 : Can use "?" item to close popup layer whitout date selection.
    Use "help" parameter to define this script
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tCalDate is a little Calendar Applet. This size is very small (7.9 Ko). tCalDate run on all browser with support JDK 1.02.

tCalDate est une applet de Calendrier. Sa taille réduite vous permet de l'utiliser facilement (7.9 Ko). Elle est totalement parametrable et fonctionne sur tous les navigateurs supportant le JDK 1.02 .

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Registration / Enregistrement
tCalDate is a FreeWare for non commercial site.
For personnal use you want add a reference to me (my URL page) and send to me your URL (with tCalDate applet).
For a professional use you want get a "professional registration". With this registration you can use tCalDate with no reference to me and i send to you all source.
For more informations about "Professional registration" : R. BERTHOU.

tCalDate est une Applet FreeWare pour les sites non commerciaux, son utilisation est donc gratuite. Vous devez seulement ajouter une référence à l'auteur (un lien vers se site). et me faire parvenir l'URL de la page utilisant tCalDate.
Pour une utilisation plus "professionnel" vous devez vous enregistrer. Cet enregistrement vous permet d'avoir les sources de l'applet et de ne pas faire référence à l'auteur.
Pour plus d'informations sur "l'Enregistrement Professionnel" (limite d'utilisation des sources,...) : R. BERTHOU.

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HTML Source
<applet code=tcaldate.class  width=160 height=170>
    <param name=link         value="./date.html?d=%Y%M%D&w=%w&j=%j&s=%s">
    <param name=target	value="donnee">
    <param name=startsunday	value="0">
    <param name=font		value="Arial">
    <param name=fontsize	value=12>
    <param name=bgcolor 	value=13684944>
    <param name=bgcolor2 	value=14737663>
    <param name=bgcolor3 	value=400>
    <param name=t_col1 	value=400>
    <param name=t_col2 	value=8421520>
    <param name=t_col3 	value=14737663>
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Param nameTypeDescription
linkstringlink URL (with format)
%d and %D date
%m and %M Month
%y and %Y Years
%w and %W Week
%j and %J julian days
%s and %S week days
helpStringString action to replace link or javascript action on "?" item, if this parameter is not define "?" is removed
holfileStringexternal file to define disable dates vacances.txt
jvalidintegeruse to disable a days ( 1 sunday, 2 Monday, 4 Tuesday, 8 wednesday, 16 thursday, 32 Friday, 64 Saturday) => if you want disable Saturday and sunday you set jvalid at "65" (64 + 1)
startsundayinteger0 if start Sunday / 1 start monday
weeknumberStringif define this param i hide weeknumber
minStringmin Date String Date Format
maxStringmax Date String Date Format
currentStringcurrent Date String Date Format
12 Aug 1998
14 March 85 ...
month? (1..12) StringName of month (for French, Deutch, and other)
day? (1..7) StringName of Day (for French, Deutch, and other) 1=Sunday
bgimgstringback ground image
bgcolorintegerFont color 1
bgcolor2integerFont color 2
bgcolor3integerFont color 3
t_col1integertexte color 1
t_col2integertexte color 2
t_col3integertexte color 3
targetstringDefault target windows
fonttextFont Name
fontsizeintegerFont Size
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2.51Solve prb in mindate and add javascript function.
2.45Correct bug in Week selection, and holidays file.
2.40Add page Up page Down key.
2.32Correct bug in Week number.
2.30Support jvalid.
2.26Verify date with keyboard events.
2.25Add seMin and setMax for JavaScript.
2.24Correct minor bug.
2.23Correct minor bug.
2.22Add weeknumber parameter (hide weeknumber).
2.21Correct a mnor bug in week number.
2.20Add startsunday parameter.
2.10Correct font size in edit zone.
2.00Add combobox, liveconnect support, edit zone...
1.20Add bgimg and valid date in select prev and next month.
1.15Center texte draw "<" ">" for big calendar.
Add function for javascript action...
1.01Month and Days in param...
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Download file (6Ko)
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Copyright © 1996..2001, R. BERTHOU. Tous droits réservés.
Dernière modification le 09 Novembre 2001 21H40